Lighting Equipment - Accessories
Quant. Owned
Strand Patt 223/743 16
Selecon Acclaim 38
Selecon HP1200 24
Selecon Rama 15
Strand Cantata 2
Strand Cadenza 4
Chauvet EVE 150UV 4
ETC S4 Fresnel 2
Selecon HUI Cyc/Flood 4
Selecon Aurura Cyc/Flood 4
Strand Patt 23 4
Strand Prelude/Harmony/Cantata/SL 30
CCT Silouette 4
ETC Source 4 Fixed beam/zoom 6
ETC Source 4 Junior 4
Gobo Holders
Strand Patt 23 2 B size
Strand Prelude/Harmony.Canatat/SL 40 B size
Selecon Zoomspot 25 B size
Pacific Fergo 2 B size
CCT Minuette 2 M size
CCT Silouette 20 B size
ETC Source 4 Fixed Beam/Zoom 30 B size
ETC Source 4 Junior 25 M size
To Fit Silouette, Cantata, Prelude, Strand SL, ETC S4
Wide range of gobo’s - Mainly “B” size with some “A” and “M” size
GAM, Rosco, Lee, Mastercut, DHA etc
Call to see what I might have.
Have access to most of Lee & Rosco range of colour gel.
Sheets or cut to size can be arranged.
Call for price and availability.
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